Summer Campaign: Lanark County Love Letter Contest Launched!
Monday, 13 July 2020
Exciting news! Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO) has partnered with Lanak County to launch an exciting hyper-local marketing campaign. The Love Letter campaign is focusing on highlighting what we love about our home through video love letters. As part of the campaign, OHTO launched a Love Letter contest on July…
COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program: Applications Begin July 13
Thursday, 09 July 2020
The Government of Ontario is making $9 million available to support residential customers struggling to pay their energy bills because of COVID-19. The COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) provides a one-time, on-bill credit to eligible residential electricity and natural gas customers to help them catch up on their energy bills…
Local Health Units Announce Regional Approach to Mandatory Masks
Tuesday, 07 July 2020
Local health units announced a regional approach to mandatory masks. In Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, this Instruction will require businesses to adopt a policy to ensure facial coverings/masks are worn inside enclosed public spaces. This will come into effect July 7, at 12:01am. This is an added measure to the existing public…
Parks Canada Suspends Visitor Services along Rideau Canal
Friday, 15 May 2020
Information Bulletin SUSPENSION OF VISITOR SERVICES ALONG THE RIDEAU CANAL CONTINUES OVER VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEKEND SMITHS FALLS, ONTARIO, May 15, 2020 – Parks Canada is reminding everyone in Ontario that visitor services and vehicle access continue to be suspended at all national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals and…
Valley Heartland just announced that NEW funding will be available Friday, May 15th
Thursday, 14 May 2020
On Friday, May 15th, Valley Heartland CFDC will announce NEW Funding available through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) As our Chamber office has received many concerns from our businesses regarding the strict federal subsidy criteria and lack of funding for seasonal, small and sole-proprietor businesses. We are sending you this email to…
Consider the Views before Enjoying the Cottage View
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
With the nicer weather here, it is tempting to head out to a cottage. It may seem like a great place to retreat to for COVID-19 self-isolation. But before heading out, the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit would like everyone to really think through their decision. “Consider the…
Declaration of Emergency Extended While Ontario Gradually Reopens the Economy
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
New legislation will allow for more virtual or remote transactions during COVID-19 TORONTO — The Ontario government is extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This additional time will ensure the province has the necessary tools and health care capacity to contain COVID-19, while gradually…
Fishing and boating on your mind this weekend? - Health Unit reminds you to be safe
Friday, 08 May 2020
Local people often look forward to pike and pickerel fishing as well as getting out on the water to enjoy the many lakes and rivers in the area. Because of this, some local municipalities/cities/towns are opening their boat launches this weekend. Check your local area website for information on which…
Ontario Supports Job Creators as People Start Returning to Work
Friday, 08 May 2020
Government continues to prepare for the next stages of reopening the economy TORONTO — As people gradually begin returning to work, the Ontario government continues preparing for the next phase of restarting the provincial economy through the implementation of its Framework for Reopening our Province. At the same time, the government…
Lanark County Agencies Collaborate to Provide Housing for Vulnerable Amid COVID-19
Monday, 04 May 2020
In true Lanark County style, numerous partners have come together to provide an important housing service for those in need during the COVID-19 crisis. A collaboration of community agencies has developed and is staffing temporary self-isolation centres in two communities for people in precarious housing situations. One is for individuals…