
A Special Committee of the Whole meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8,  2023. Links CoW Agenda For further information contact: Janie Laidlaw, Deputy Clerk 613-267-6500 ext 251 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
The Township of Drummond/North Elmsley is giving away FREE TREE saplings to Township residents. 1st Drummond Scouts will be on site helping to distribute the trees. WHEN: Saturday May 6, 2023- 9 am to 12pm LOCATION: Municipal Office 310 Port Elmsley Road Giveaway Details Maximum 50 per household While quantities…
A Council/Committee of the Whole meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11,  2023. Links CoW Agenda For further information contact: Cathy Ryder, CAO 613-267-6500 ext 220 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Friday, 28 April 2023
Every year Drummond/North Elmsley participates in PITCH IN where our amazing volunteers and residents work hard to clean up litter and waste along the roadsides! PITCH-IN bags are free to volunteers and can be obtained at the Township Office at 310 Port Elmsley Road. Please stop in and let us…
Lanark County Media Release - April 25, 2023 Lanark County’s 2023 construction season is underway! In 2023, the public works department plans to complete pavement preservation on 27 kilometres of roads, with rehabilitation and paved shoulders scheduled for 21 km. The total capital budget for this year is $11.9 million,…
There are still some areas in our Townships that are dry. Do not burn in areas with long dead grass, do not burn on windy days and never leave a fire unattended. Always have a water source available to extinguish the fire.   For more information or to obtain a…
For immediate release: April 3, 2023 Rural Frontenac Community Services FRONTENAC COUNTY: is launching the with funding from the in partnership with , and Residents now have a new way to arrange for personal transportation across the counties. Rural Frontenac Community Services has launched…

Active Burn Ban - April 13, 2023

Thursday, 13 April 2023
FIRE BAN NOTICE: April 13, 2023 A TOTAL FIRE BAN has been implemented for all of Lanark County. This means that absolutely no open-air burning is permitted until further notice. Local Fire Departments hope to lift the fire ban as soon as possible however firefighters have been actively fighting grass…
MISSISSIPPI AND CARP RIVER WATERSHEDS— The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority has upgraded its FLOOD WATCH to a FLOOD WARNING for Dalhousie Lake. Levels on the lake have continued to rise as the remainder of the snowmelt enters the watershed. With no rain in the forecast levels are expected to stabilized as soon as…
The Flood Warning and Flood Watch issued on April 6, 2023 remains in effect for the Rideau Valley watershed. Flood conditions are present in many low-lying areas adjacent to several rivers, lakes, creeks and ditches. Additional areas have the potential to flood next week, as the remaining snow within the…
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